Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder
Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

I went back to the surgeon today (2 weeks after surgery) for a follow up and let him know the orignal problem is back and more pronounced than ever, he said give it a couple more weeks to calm down, that some people still have symptoms up to a couple months after having the gallbladder removed. the original pressure that feel's like a baby sticking it's foot under my ribs is back, and with a vengance. Anyway, the severe surgery pain began to diminish about day 8 and guess what. The pain of the surgery was more severe than I was prepared for, the surgeon said it's very minor and I would be on my feet in just a few days. So, for lack of anyone being willing to further discuss my problem, and them being so sure it was gallbladder related, they convinced me that the only way to know for sure is to take it out. I was not on board with his mindset and insisted on further testing.

Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder free#

a week later was in for a consult with a surgeon to take out what appears to be a trouble free gallbladder, I'm told now we are just going to go thru the process of elimination. I gave it about 10 days to calm down, it didn't, back to the PCP and went for the Hidascan a week later.

right upper chest discomfort gallbladder right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

I've had little flare up's over the past year with a big one which began mid-july. She then ordered a Hidascdan, however, but the time they were able to get me in. The did blood work and an ultra sound, said all looked OK, and their best guess was a non functioning gallbladder and referred me to my PCP. Last July it flared up pretty bad and I made a trip to the ER as it was making me very nausous and the pressure was making it uncomfortable to breathe. I've had a similar issue going on for years now. So is it possibly the beginning stages to getting gallstones? Thanks for any help! It feels like it could be my liver, or could be my gallbladder, but because it's more of discomfort than pain, I doubt any doctor will give it much thought. I'm really at a loss at what it could be. She claims it's the sludge in my gallbladder which could turn into stones. I asked the doctor about it, he had me do some twists, and put pressure on a few areas and said it doesn't seem like my gallbladder, but when I ask someone who had theirs out, she said its' kind of what she felt a few months before she started having massive attacks from stones.

right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

Occasionally when i'm laying down, the feeling goes away in my gallbladder area, and i'll feel a very slight pain on the very right side of my body, like directly between my hip and shoulder, towards the bottom of my rib cage. It's not so much a pain, it just feels weird, kind of like how a muscle feels the day after working out. When I sit at my computer or drive, I feel this weird pressure around my gallbladder area which extends to the center of my chest, right below my rib cage. I'm not sure if it's my liver, my gallbladder or my intestines. For the past 3 weeks now, i've had this weird situation going on with my liver area.

Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder